The (Native) American Dream
If you saw this woman walking down the street would you think:a) She is a model.
b) She is a teacher.
c) She is a sales clerk.
d) She is former $60,000/day-making drug dealer.
If you chose "d" then you are absolutely right. Today's NY Times contains a feature on this woman, Eugenia Phair, who is a Native American of the Lummi tribe in Washington and a former high-level drug trafficker. Take a few minutes and read the article on her life both pre, during, and post-drug trafficking. Any reactions?
Having both Native American and black family members and friends, I thought any of the above, ie, "E".
But more to the point, I gave up reading the NYTimes in order to stay better informed about the world around me.
Point taken on the choice "E". I should have included that.
What do you mean by you giving up reading the NY Times? I don't understand what you're saying.
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