Think we're spiffy?
Come hang out with us at the Cambridge Common R E L A U N C H party!
This Thursday, 9-11 pm, Lowell Grille.
Some food, some great company and some RELAUNCHING!!!
This Thursday, 9-11 pm, Lowell Grille.
Some food, some great company and some RELAUNCHING!!!
lol wow the self-congratulation never continues. don't you love how cc takes credit for breaking the whole summers thing? as if they were out shoeleathering the story rather than calling their friends who did the real work but were constrained by journalistic integrity (to the extent that the Crimson can claim it) to wait a couple hours for confirmation?
lol - so i mean the self-congratulation never ends. ;-)
as a student who heavily relies on Harvard's financial aid plan, i must say that (though i find him extremely disagreeable as a man with views too damaging for one with as much power as he wields) it's partly because of him that I am even able to be here. His Financial Aid reform has been an overarching relief for many students who cannot even afford to pay for a tenth of thier tuition. COntrovercial as he may be, and I acknoledge the mistakes he has made, Summers did make undeniably positive strides during his presidency. I wonder at the likelihood of securing someone who embraces change despite the controversy it might stir up the way that Summers did.
This is not an attempt at self-congratulation. This is something that has been in the works in different forms since at least January and was solidified last week before all of this hoopla over Summers, I assure. The purpose of the Re-Launch Party is to take our discussions, writers, and audience out of the electronic realm and present them in real life while celebrating our addition of numerous new writers (one of which has already posted) as well as our move from Blogger to CampusTap. Come out and show us some love...or hate...
Don't you think the constant self-promotion dilutes your credibility and respect a bit?
This is not self-promotion. We're not saying we are spiffy, we simply advertising a real life event that we hope some of our readers will come to in which we are celebrating our new website. Believe me, I've done self-promotion, this isn't it.
This is no different than any other newspaper or publication having parties (the Crimson has plenty and they're certainly self-congratulatory) or open houses.
yeah, come on. This says Re-launch party, not random CC celebration. This is about welcoming the new writing staff and expanding the community to the real, face-to-face world (rather than just the type: kghfjl and hit enter to post world).
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