goings on
Holy cow is there a lot goings on! A record number of visitors yesterday!Before I get into UC campaign issues, please take a moment to read Chip's post and Sarika's addition about World AIDs Day. While student politics and the fun of it all takes on a heightened importance to those of us who enjoy it, we shouldn't lose perspective and forget that (as Sarika notes): there are currently 40.3 million people living with HIV/AIDS, 4.9 million people were newly infected this year and 3.1 million people died this year of HIV/AIDS.
Now, to UC shenanigans...
The big event yesterday was the UC debate: read the Crimson article and then the discussion thread from CC and let me know which you think is more helpful to you as a voter. In case I'm not being obvious enough, check out my thoughts on the Crimson's pre-debate coverage.
Most importantly, the candidates will be joining us starting this afternoon to discuss the first of three questions. Look for those within the next hour, and please please please contribute your thoughts. This is a great chance for anyone who joins us to engage the candidates and share whatever thoughts, frustrations, opinions or questions they want!
C'mon then! Share some wisdom!
So, how do we "engage" the candidates here? Are you going to forward our comments to the campaigns for them to respond? Will the candidates be participating in the comments section themselves?
- Ben Milder
Well, the candidates don't have to respond to questions and criticisms, but I certainly think they would look bad if they didn't, especially if they're good questions/criticisms. I also think the candidates should/could engage each other.
But, I can't hold a gun to their heads, so if they want to post and then let things go from there, that's there choice.
None of the candidates can afford to not be engaged. Many more people read this blog than were at the debate last night. This is the perfect forum for moving beyond the 45 second sound-bites. Magnus and I are certainly looking forward to explaining our ideas in more detail - and responding to any questions.
OK, that sounds reasonable. Is there going to be a "200-word limit" to our responses as you mentioned earlier?
And Tom, I think it's great that you're already here at the blog as a contributor. I know you have a busy schedule!
- Ben
Some other goings on that might be interesting: South Africa's high court ruled that same-sex marriages enjoy the same legal status as those between men and women (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/01/international/africa/01cnd-joburg.html?hp&ex=1133499600&en=a546f0f0c3befb5e&ei=5094&partner=homepage), which I think is pretty damn cool. Also, a new magazine came out today called 'Scene.' My impression is that it's basically a high society publication that focuses on 'see-and-be-seen' and takes a more or less elite slice of campus. I'd love to hear thoughts from Andrew, Katie, Jersey, and anyone else who happened to glance at it (especially about the article by Adam Katz on 'the real meaning of girl power').
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